Login below to access the Team Up calendar.
**** Reminders ****
1.) Make sure to follow all COVID rules, including sanitizing the canoes after use.
2.) The boats are being worn down quickly. Make sure not to run the boats along the sand! We are already seeing wear on the bottom of the OC2. Thank you.
**** Instructions ****
1.) Click the calendar on the day you want to schedule a session.
2.) Title the event with your name (no need to fill out the “who” section). For UCSD students, add [UCSD] to the beginning of the event name.
3.) Uncheck “All Day” and specify the time you will be using the OC1.
4.) Under Calendars, select the craft you plan to use.
5.) Click Save.

======= Rules =======
1.) Only schedule sessions that you will definitely attend. No “maybe” sessions. The OC1s are a shared resource, and you need be respectful of teammates who may want to use it then.
2.) If you need to cancel, delete your session from the calendar.
3.) Observe all OC1 usage rules when you’re out there.
4.) Any damage to the boats should be reported immediately to Karen Jewel
Status of the boats:
Blue OC1: Available
Red OC1: Under repair
Yellow OC2: Available
To access this calendar on your phone, install the iOS App or Android App.